Sunday, July 4, 2010

eventful week.

So last week Aubrie decided she was going to play on the bed in maddies room while Maddie played on the floor. I was working on laundry and heard Aubrie scream. I thought nothing of it as her and Emily had been fighting all morning! About 10 min later i hear pounding on the back door and Emily comes upstairs screaming!! Mom Mom Aubrie fell out Maddies window!!(12 feet at least!) I was like what and ran downstairs to see aubrie just a little shaken and covered in dirt and plant( she landed in the veggie garden!) I took her in my arms as she appologized. thinking i was going to be made that she fell on my plants!! I looked at her and said honey i dont care about the plants i care about you!! I then took her upstairs and gave her a bath and checked her over carefully. As i was undressing her i noticed that she had wet, she looked at me and said sorry mom. I told her it was ok as i would have done the same thing!! I made several phone calls and it was decided that i would take her to the ER just to be checked out. Luckly all she had was some scrapes on her Knee and a internal bruise on her side. She was on very lucky girl!


Whitney said...

Holy moly! What was she thinking anyway?! Kids!! Glad she is alright ... too scary for me. Hope she feels better soon.

dlkenney said...

Wow that is scary ... Glad to hear she only had a few scrapes and bruises.