Monday, April 14, 2008

Friday, April 4, 2008

Report Card Day!!!

Well it is the end of Third term today and Emily brought home another wonderful report card. In first grade that get Numbers that are the equal to letters. 1=d. 2=c, 3=b, 4=a. And then of course they get there h's and s's too. Welll Emily for the third term in a row has gotten straight 4's(A's) and straight H's. She is dong great! We are so proud!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

As she dances!!

Aubrie loves to be in anything that makes her look like a princess or a dancer!!

Spring at the Yardley's

Of course come spring all my flowers begin to bloom!

And the comes the dreaded clean out! We can't even park in the garage right now! We are working on the basement so all the stuff ahd to go somewhere!

When a princess gets tired!!!!

What a princess! She falls alseep anywhere!