Roses and a few things that the girls made at church for mommies day! The yellow roses are pens that Aubrie made at school! An ice cream amer with mixes from both girls and then a really neat card and a picture frame and letter that Emily did at school. What a lucky mom i am!
looks like we are due just before Christmas. The dr right now is thinking Dec 18 to the 20th. but we are having a internal ultrasound done on June 6th and we will know more then! Almost 8 weeks preggers. I figured with both girls i wouldn't alow pics but this time i figured i better i feel bad about not doing it with the girls
The other day we had some really warm weather. As i was checking the sprinklers in the front yard the girls wanted to run so what the hey? Aubrie wasn't to sure of the water comming at her.... It took her a few min to realize she enjoyed it!
If you look very carefuly Emily got her first black eye on the right eye. She was rough housing and got knee'd in the eye. Doesn't she just look happy. I think shewas more made that i wanted to take a pic. The blackness got worse over time.